The Truth about Running an AI/OPS Agency

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I have to be honest with you

I’m sure you’ve seen gurus bragging about how they made $5k, $10k, even $20k selling simple chatbots and voice bots to local businesses

The subtext?

“You can do it too! No special skills or experience required!”

While this is true in some cases, it’s not scalable or reliable

After being in the space for quite some time now, I’m going to tell you guys the truth

Running an AI/Ops agency isn’t nearly as simple as gurus make it out to be

You’ll notice that most “AI Experts” sell courses on Content Creation or how to start an agency of your own

I’ve entertained the idea myself, so I can’t say I haven’t done it as well lol

But I came to realize something…

You can’t just sell some templated Botpress or Voiceflow bot for $2k and call it a day.

Delivering high level solutions for whale clients takes an obscene amount of knowledge:

  • High level operations knowledge

  • At the very least low-code development experience

  • Complex automations beyond some 5 step onboarding flow

  • AI knowledge, custom LLMs, fine-tuning

  • Experience with Data Science

Even at the end of all of it, the amount of time it takes to deliver on some of these solutions can leave you capped as a freelancer financially.

So why am I telling you all of this? Because there is a silver lining.

That’s why I’m so bullish on the long-term future of those in the AI/Operations space.

Because you’re not just competing against any old “wantrepreneur”.

You’re competing against other talented individuals with a passion for tech.

The market is huge & the competition is a lot smaller than you think

And the harder it is to get in the game, the less competition you have.

So keep grinding, keep upskilling, and keep delivering value to your clients.

Because trust me, the rewards are worth it if you’re willing to stick it out and learn.

I had no experience before so if I can do it, you can do it too.


p.s. if you found this email enlightening, you know the drill. Reply with “REAL” so I know to keep putting out stuff like this.